Receive Emails Anonymously with a Disposable Email Address

What’s a temporary mail box?

This is something very convenient. It’s a service that you don’t have to subscribe to – you go on our website and you are provided with a disposable email address right away. Unlike standard emails where you have to provide a substantial amount of personal information, with temporary email boxes there is no such need – nothing personal will be asked.

A lot of services nowadays require only email confirmation without the necessity of provision of any further information. This is due to the fact that the company can actually extract all the necessary information from your email and that’s the main thing it needs for marketing purposes. The larger the email list of a certain provider is, the larger his audience is, hence – more sales. This is something particularly important to understand.

Spam Overload

If you are subscribing to different online websites commonly, you are probably already flooded with litter letters which you get absolutely no value from. This is something particularly burdensome and an issue that a lot of people have. It takes a significant amount of time for you to go through all that spam in order to find out the emails which actually matter. Of course, in certain situations the issue is so severe that this isn’t even possible.

With all this in mind, a temporary mail box is going to get rid of all these problems in a very convenient manner. What it’s going to do is as follows. It’s going to work as an independent and outside filter for your email. Instead of subscribing to different services with your personal or work email, you can do it with your temporary one. This way all the spam related to those is going to go into that mailbox. This is very convenient. You can also determine certain contacts that you want to redirect to your original and main mail address or block out ones that you don’t wish to receive an email from again. The most convenient thing is that this is an entirely disposable service. As soon as you don’t need it anymore or it’s filled up – you can easily switch to another mail.

The need for privacy

As we mentioned above, the Internet is far from being the safe place that you think it is. It is filled with people who wish you nothing but harm for their own personal benefits. Identity theft as well as hacking someone’s personal information is something rather common which takes place every single day. And, believe it or not, one of the main causes for these types of problems lies within the email. Spam letters most often contain viruses and malicious software which is designated to pull out sensitive information and send it out to the one that sent the email.

All of the above could easily be avoided and prevented by using a comprehensive temporary mail box which is designated to handle all of the spam letters that you receive. This is going to allow you to take advantage of the services that you subscribe to without receiving any kind of unnecessary and unwanted email letters.